Verification Process

Human Verification Protocol is designed to keep your privacy in mind, ensuring that each participant’s personal information is secure and within their control. We value your trust and are committed to maintaining the highest standards of security and privacy.

(TL;DR: your identity and data belong only to you)

Human App doesn’t need and doesn’t ask you to provide SSN.

Human App and Human Network do not need your SSN at any stage of the verification process.

Why do I have to log in to my account at

For successful verification, we need to verify your full name and date of birth from a reliable source.

How does the integration with work?

To be accurate, there needs to be no integration with Human App acts as a standard web browser and shows the website to you. When is opened, the app compares the data provided by you to the app and the data on the website. All the interaction happens within one session, where only a local copy of the Human App can access your data.

If the matching data differs, the app will ask you to provide your full name and date of birth again, but without discrepancies. Human App will use your provided data to move forward if the data is the same.

Why do you use instead of a driver’s license or passport?

A driver’s license has a full name and date of birth, but there is no way to check electronically if the provided document is genuine or fake.

Is it secure to login into my using Human App?

Yes, your connection to the official SSA website is encrypted and secure. Therefore your login credentials and all sensitive information remain confidential and cannot be accessed by us or any third party. Human App copies non of the information/files from and your account.

Can I use Human without login into

You have the option to use the Human App without the need to log in through your SSA account. Instead, you can verify your identity by providing your full name and date of birth with a Passport Verification. This allows you to access and use the app seamlessly and securely, providing an alternative to SSA login.

How do you verify a unique individual?

The Human Network Verification Protocol is a multiple-step process. Individuals provide their phone number, full name, date of birth, and a selfie and participate in a p2p call with their invitee for biometric identification. As a result, they get a unique Human ID.

What data is stored on the blockchain?

On the blockchain, an embedding of your face, a hash function of a selfie, a hash function of an encrypted contact book, and encrypted data verified on []( (full name, date of birth).

Who has access to my personal data?

After verifying the data, it is encrypted and obscured using your private cryptographic key. The encrypted data is sent to the blockchain. Only you can make it available to read.

What data is stored on private servers of Human App?

Selfie and contact book are encrypted using your private cryptographic key; therefore, we can’t read this data w/o your permission. Also, we have your phone number in plain form and an embedding.

What data is stored on my phone in Human App?

First, the Secret Phrase needed to access your Human ID, and Wallet is stored locally. Along with it, the selfie, Merkle tree of your contact book, and Merkle tree of your personal data verified on A Merkle tree is like a cryptographic puzzle where you can easily see if any part has been changed or a piece is missing.

What is “embedding”?

Embedding results from converting an image of a face into a numerical representation that captures unique features and characteristics of the face, enabling computers to recognize and compare faces for tasks like facial recognition.

Can I verify your code?

At the moment, Human App is a close source application. We plan to open-source its code in the middle of 2024.

Human Network will be open source since the day of the main net launch, which is planned for Q3 2023.

Any further questions? Reach out to!

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Human ID is issued to everyone only one time, needs to be verified by your friend